Monday, September 23, 2013

When It Rains, It Pours.

Have I mentioned that BatBoy likes math?  Yep, I think he does.  He likes math games, he likes manipulatives, and he loves worksheets.  What?  Who loves worksheets??  Seriously, this boy drags them around like a security blanket.  He brings them everywhere we go.  Whenever he can spare a minute, whether he's waiting for his sister to finish her class or riding in the car or hanging out at home, he works on his worksheets.  He even drags the worksheets to bed and refuses to sleep until he is done what he is working on.  Between his obsession and his willingness to brush off and learn from errors, BatBoy is gaining arithmetic skills at a rapid rate.

From the end of August until now, BatBoy has learned multiple digit addition and subtraction with carrying and borrowing, memorized many addition facts and a fair amount of the multiplication tables, added and subtracted positive and negative combinations of halves, quarters, and eighths, added and subtracted other fractions with common denominators, found perimeters of irregular shapes drawn with unit squares, and practised reading time to the minute on an analog clock.

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