Sunday, March 17, 2013

Puzzle Books

Having embraced the idea that my kids are pretty right-brained when it comes to learning math, I feel more comfortable introducing problems that would normally be several "steps" ahead of where they are.  Enter into our lives:  the Maths Quest series by David Glover. 

The Museum of Mysteries focuses on number manipulation.

The Planet of Puzzles focuses on probability.

The Cavern of Clues
The Cavern of Clues focuses on calculations.

The Mansion of Mazes focuses on geometry.
Through these, SpiderGirl has become interested in and learned about squaring numbers, finding surface area, drawing nets, finding 'faces' and 'edges' of a geometric object, and determining chances.  BatBoy has picked up a few things too.  He's gained a sense of probability and increased his ability to visualize geometric objects and turn them around in his mind.  He doesn't have the confidence that SpiderGirl does, so when they disagree on an answer, he always goes along with what she thinks -- but she isn't always right!  There's some learning in there too!  Mostly, BatBoy is absorbing the concepts through the story, while SpiderGirl is ready to explore more depth and expand upon her knowledge. 

During long drives, I try to have things for the kids to do.  Often we play games and listen to music.  Lately, they have become interested in workbooks.  This week, we needed to drive down to 'the States.'  What with border waits, it usually ends up being a couple of hours, at least.  I brought along The Mansion of Mazes.  They were engaged with the book almost the entire time.  We can't wait to see what The Cavern of Clues brings us!

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