Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snowflake Symmetry

We got a new microscope in the summer and around November, we saw some beautiful photographs of snowflakes.  I've also been telling the kids that real snowflakes have six-point symmetry, which they, of course, wanted to see for themselves.  I planned (without saying anything to anyone else) that at the first snowfall, we should bring our microscope outside and take a look.

The first snowfall of the year happened a week or two before Christmas.  I was tired from running around to rehearsals and concerts and parties.  I figured, we can wait until the morning.  Then, I thought, "You know what?  It will probably snow again." 

It never did.  Now, I'm thinking about getting the garden ready for spring.

Look Mom!  I can SEE the six-point symmetry.  She has excellent sight.

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