Saturday, July 21, 2012

Avocado's Numbers

The sample booklet of my workbook, Avocado's Numbers, arrived in the mail yesterday.  I was so excited, and I think my excitement must have rubbed off on SpiderGirl and BatBoy.  They spent an hour or so go through the first few pages.

SpiderGirl had a good time embellishing the story as she "fed the fractions" by matching up appropriate diagrams or cutting up pieces herself.  She found equivalent fractions in surprising ways and we used our manipulatives to check whether equivalencies were possible.

BatBoy surprised me by accurately matching fractions to pictures.  As he reached the point where the math became too challenging, he happily continued on making the pictures his own in other ways.

Having Avocado's Numbers in print and having SpiderGirl work with the book has really helped to reveal places where it needs to be improved.  I'm still hoping for a September publishing date, but it might be more of a September beta test date.

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