Saturday, September 17, 2011

Finally Multiplication

For a few weeks (Or is it months?  This summer has gone by so fast!), SpiderGirl has been doing repeated addition of small numbers.  I hadn't yet given her the multiplication vocabulary yet, as I didn't really have much opportunity, and at this point, I don't see her as being ready to benefit from memorizing a whole bunch of facts.

Yesterday, in the car, trying to keep her from falling asleep and taking a way-too-late nap, I introduced the meaning of "times."  We went through the 'two times' tables up to twelve.  It was exciting for SpiderGirl to work with a new pattern and put the concept of counting by twos together with the concept of repeated addition. 

I don't think she will remember the 'two times' tables any time soon, and that's okay by me.  There is plenty of time yet for memorization.

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